I’ve been a graphic designer for over 20 years, but 20 months ago I was brand new to this running a business malarky. Like many start-ups I’ve basically been learning as I go, and I’ll be the first to admit that when I started out, I was in a complete rush to get my branding done and out there so I could start promoting myself and winning new clients.
The moment I realised I wasn’t totally happy with my branding was when I booked my first face to face networking event after a year of being online. I just knew I wouldn’t be happy handing out my business cards and referring people to my website. Cue some major reflection time, reviewing my brand personality, values, vision, and voice. My conclusion was my visual identity just didn’t reflect any of this, and if I’m being totally honest, didn’t have the consistency I would recommend to clients.
I was facing some hard truths, but instead of beating myself up about it like I probably would’ve done in the past, I made a plan. I’d had 20 months of developing my illustration style and figuring out where my strengths lay and once I put pen to paper, I knew pretty much straight away the style I wanted to go for. This time round I had a much better idea of the type of applications I needed my branding to work across, where, and how I needed to get the most stand out.
So, for me rebranding has definitely been the best decision, I feel my new identity better reflects my business and gives me much more scope for promoting myself and my services.
If you’re considering a rebrand or would like a brand review, get in touch I’d love to hear from you.