The last few weeks have been a bit of a rubbish time for me. My daughter started reception so I’m missing my little mate like crazy, then at the same time all the new local restrictions came in. This meant I couldn’t see friends and family who I would normally turn to when I needed cheering up. All of that combined left this normally positive and happy lass, a bit down in the dumps to say the least!!
So I’ve been doing my best to show myself a bit of self care and I thought I would share with you some of the things which I’ve found have helped to give me a bit of boost, in the hope that they might help you too!
Get your trainers on!
I have all the excuses for not doing exercise, like “I don’t have time” or “I’m too tired” but guess what, I turned off my Mac, went for a run along our beautiful coastline and I felt bloody fantastic afterwards! My mood completely changed! So I would definitely put this one first on the list.
Eat something good
I’d gotten in a bit of a rut of eating rubbish comfort food to make myself feel better, but then ending up feeling worse because I felt bad about what I’d eaten. So I added some yummy more healthy things to my weekly shop. Grapes, cherry tomatoes, hummus and some ready cut carrot batons. I can snack on these, they don’t take any prep and I feel good about eating them. Win win!
Take a break
Since working from home I’ve been guilty of not really having much of a break at lunchtime, just literally spending 10 minutes eating then straight back to work. But I started having a bit longer and watching an episode of my favourite girly TV show Nashville. And it’s really felt good to have a bit of time sitting on my sofa instead of at my desk all day! Plus the best thing about this particular show is you can sing along!
FaceTime with your besties
I’m really lucky to have some super supportive friends and although having a catch up in person isn’t possible just now, a FaceTime call (glass of wine optional) with them is always sure to put a smile on my face. Talking about all kinds of random topics, putting the world to rights and generally bigging each other up. Keeping connected whatever way you can is so important at the moment.